Strength Rubric for PE Class

Here's a simple rubric you can use to evaluate students' improved strength over the semester in a fitness-based Physical Education class:

Category: Improved Strength 


1. Initial Assessment:

   - Student's initial strength assessment score (e.g., 1-rep max, maximum push-ups, plank duration, etc.) is recorded at the beginning of the semester.

   - Score is recorded in a standardized unit (e.g., pounds, repetitions, seconds).


2. Mid-Semester Progress:

   - Student's progress is assessed midway through the semester using the same strength assessment as the initial assessment.

   - Progress score is recorded and compared to the initial score.


3. Final Assessment:

   - Student's final strength assessment is conducted at the end of the semester, using the same assessment method.

   - Final strength score is recorded in the standardized unit.


4. Improvement Calculation:

   - Calculate the percentage increase in strength for each student using the formula:

     (Final Score - Initial Score) / Initial Score * 100


5. Improvement Levels:

   - Based on the percentage increase, assign levels of improvement:

     - Excellent: 20% or more increase

     - Good: 10% - 19% increase

     - Satisfactory: 5% - 9% increase

     - Minimal: 1% - 4% increase

     - No Improvement: 0% increase or a decrease


6. Overall Evaluation:

   - Provide an overall evaluation based on the improvement level achieved.


7. Documentation:

   - Maintain records of initial, mid-semester, and final assessment scores for each student.

   - Clearly communicate the progress and improvement to the students.


Remember, this is just a basic rubric outline. You can customize it to fit your specific assessment methods, class objectives, and grading system.


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